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Sunday, 1st of May, 2016

Playlist 01.05.16 (9:08 pm)

Tonight we have another in the series of UtiLADYFog, focusing solely on new(ish) music from women artists. As usual we've got an embarrassment of riches, from Melbourne and overseas.

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We start with some possibly exclusive samplers from the wonderful new album from Evelyn Morris aka Pikelet. Evelyn is a big inspiration for me, both because of her amazing music (loop-based pop songs, expanding to full band, now wide-ranging genre-agnostic gems) and because of the LISTEN movement she founded in frustration with the experience of "marginalised people in the music industry" - women's voices, as well as LGBTQ+ (an inadequate acronym but there you go). Given the gender focus tonight, I urge you to connect to LISTEN in some way, and perhaps widen your awareness... But meanwhile, I sincerely believe that Evelyn is an Australian musical gem... So very pleased we have a new album to savour this coming week!

Medicine Voice is a new project for Sydney artist Sar Friedman, who's played in various bands for some time and previously released music as Heartswin on the Wood & Wire, a precursor to the Provenance label that she is helping to launch, her album being the debut release - it's the latest project of Stu Buchanan of various FBi radio shows and the New Weird Australia compilation series. Friedman's music is a ritualistic trip with krautrocky guitars, drums and electronics from Oren Ambarchi, Joe Talia and James Rushford accompanying her harmonium, piano and other instruments. From the sounds of this (for now, exclusive) preview it's going to be compulsory listening.

Melbourne's Carla dal Forno connected with the rad English postpunk/post-industrial label Blackest Ever Black with her trio F ingers (with Sam Karmel and Tarquin Manek, the latter once of Pikelet when it had expanded to be a full band). Her debut single features deadpan vocals and desolate drum machine & instruments, in keeping with the label's feel.

Faith Coloccia's music as Mamiffer has been the focus of a previous feature not long ago on this show. Mamiffer has existed for some time, as an outlet for gothic rock and sometimes metal, mostly in collaboration with her partner Aaron Turner of ISIS, Old Man Gloom, SUMAC and countless other projects. Last year she debuted a totally solo project called Mára, highlighting her exquisite piano and vocals but also sound manipulation... There's plenty of drones and distortion on the new album, although less "metal" as such, and there are also some excellent strings from Eyvind Kang on there. It's some of Coloccia's best work yet.

It's actually the first time I've played Chelsea Wolfe on the show tonight. Like Coloccia she has connections to the metal world (and is released on Sargent House), but her music is more gothic rock and dark folk in its roots. However, the last couple of albums (or more) have also featured some heavy-duty electronics on some tracks, adding an exciting new layer of grit to the procedings. I'm jealous of anyone who gets to see her at Dark Mofo this year.

I discovered the work of electronic artist Aleksandra Grünholz aka We Will Fail via a compilation from Wire Magazine put together by the Unsound Festival. Despite its connections to Adelaide Festival, Unsound is based in Poland, and that is where Grünholz hails from. The track in question, full of distortion and heavy bass and twitchy beats, appears on her new double album under the name "Unlightening", and it's the last track we hear tonight. Elsewhere the beats and sounds are less abrasive, but equally bass and rhythm-oriented. Uncompromising, head-nodding, excellent stuff.

Experimental electronic musician Kyoka, part-based in Tokyo, part in Berlin, has been making awesomely weird sounds since at least 2008. Her first two releases, ufunfunfufu and 2 ufunfunfufu showcased extremely detailed editing of tiny samples and distorted electronic sounds, chopped into idm, jungle and techno-influenced glitchtronica... It's no surprise that she ended up pricking up the ears of the legendary Berlin label raster-noton, who focus themselves on microsound, although usually (if not exclusively) in a more minimal techno context. Kyoka's music has perhaps become a bit more refined since the early chaotic experiments, but it's still intense and complex stuff. The new EP SH is a continuation of the sounds on her last releases for raster-noton, hinting at being more straight-edged, but still pretty out there (yay)!

Pikelet - interface dystopia [Chapter Music]
Pikelet - Toby Light [Chapter Music]
Pikelet - harder heart, harder [Chapter Music]
Medicine Voice - aham / realm of the wild woman [Provenance]
Carla dal Forno - fast moving cars [Blackest Ever Black]
Mamiffer - we are united in spirit, we will be happy forever [SIGE Records/Daymare]
Mamiffer - domestication of the ewe - part III (divine virus) [SIGE Records/Daymare]
Mamiffer - parthenogenesis [SIGE Records/Daymare]
Chelsea Wolfe - Feral Love [Sargent House]
Chelsea Wolfe - Carrion Flowers [Sargent House]
We Will Fail - Third [MonotypeRec]
We Will Fail - V.02 [MonotypeRec]
We Will Fail - V2.06 [MonotypeRec]
We Will Fail - All Ideas [MonotypeRec]
We Will Fail - Unlightening [MonotypeRec]
Kyoka - Hovering [raster-noton]
Kyoka - jungleme [onpa)))))]
Kyoka - moiz [onpa)))))]
Kyoka - Piezo Version Vision [raster-noton]

Listen again — ~189MB

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