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Frogworth Corp
experimental electronica
electric string quartet

Utility Fog

Your weekly fix of postfolkrocktronica, dronenoise, power ambient, post-everything improv... and more?
Sunday nights from 9 to 11pm on FBi Radio, 94.5 FM in Sydney, Australia.
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Playlists are listed with artist name first, then track title and (remixer), then [record label]. Enjoy the links.

Sunday, 26th of April, 2009

Playlist 26.04.09 (11:14 pm)

Heaps of goodness tonight, dare I say! Starting with the lovely droney experimental Sydney duo Moonmilk, who played at the Static Age II festy on Friday night at Dirty Shirlows (one of a number of excellent warehouse spaces that have popped up in Marrickville in the last year or two).
Montréal's Bell Orchestre popped up in my view this week and I'll definitely be playing more next week - just what you'd expect of postrock from that city, with violins and horns and interesting production.
Then a couple of tunes from Melbourne's Sabbatical label, including (for shame!) Naked on the Vague's first appearance on this show. Leith, whose label Sbbtcl is, popped in to have a chat along with René and Dan from improv/noise outfit Aktion Unit, with whom Leith has been touring (also appearing at Static Age).
Then we had a brief detour to Fridge's early days (a track not collected on their just-released Early Output comp), followed by two tracks from Brisbane band Mr. Maps' debut double-EP. You can see them launching it at the Bald Faced Stag along with a bunch of great Sydney bands this coming Saturday.
More Sydney music from Ryzla (hot off the press I think!), and the least synth-poppy track from vitaminsforyou's latest album.
Following that, we had three (count 'em!) tracks from dntel's new 3CD (count them too!) set, Early Works For Me If It Works For You II, which collects his two early albums for the Phtalo label plus another CD of slightly later outtakes, from the period of his astounding Life Is Full Of Possibilities - for three CDs it's a bargain, and absolutely essential listening.
We've got probably the least abrasive track from the new Venetian Snares, and one of the more upbeat tracks from Jon Hopkins' new album (amazing stuff - string arrangements, acoustic piano, big bass & crunchy programming along with the ambient electronica he's known for...)
Then we had two wonky tracks from Monk Fly's latest EP and a brilliant Eskmo EP (digital only I believe), as well as a slice of bass madness from Mochipet's new (also digital-only) album.
Two tracks from Sydney's 4-4-2 music bring us into the home strait: Telafonica's new album starts with a track whose beat is built up from "Tape Noise"; Telafonica member Lessons in Time uses snipping scissors as the rhythm behind his banjo, effects and vocals on a track from his very lovely new EP.
Finally, a fairly Neil Young-style countryish number from Fire on Fire, whose amazing album The Orchard covers Americana/folk of all stripes. Michael Gira is admittedly always hella-enthusiastic about Young God Records releases, and fair enough, but he's found gold here with this reincarnation(?) of Cerberus Shoal... More next week, guaranteed!

Moonmilk - Hills [self-released]
Bell Orchestre - As Seen Through Windows [Arts & Crafts]
Naked on the Vague - Sad Sun [Sabbatical]
Pikelet - Renzo [Sabbatical]
Aktion Unit - 060409 [self-released tour EP]
...Interview with Aktion Unit and Leith from Sabbatical...
Aktion Unit - 200209 [self-released tour EP]
Fridge - Sequoia [Output]
Mr. Maps - Your Heels in Sand, Soul in Pursuit (Lines version) [lofly]
Mr. Maps - Life Like Little Soldiers (Lights version) [lofly]
Ryzla - Old Eyes [self-released]
vitaminsforyou - it's over [Raw Youth]
dntel - smile break [Phtalo/Plug Research]
dntel - in which our hero begins his long and arduous quest [Phtalo/Plug Research]
dntel - danny loves experimental electronics [Phtalo/Plug Research]
Venetian Snares - Pussy Skull [Planet µ]
Jon Hopkins - Colour Eye [Domino]
Monk Fly - World Blues [Frequency Lab]
Eskmo - Harmony [Ancestor Media]
Mochipet - Turbo Thizz Petnation [Daly City Records]
Telafonica - Tape Noise [4-4-2 music]
Lessons in Time - How very good this feeling is [4-4-2 music]
Fire on Fire - Assanine Race [Young God Records] {I intended to play "Toknight", but listening back it clearly wasn't, so tune in for it on the 3rd of May! OK, cleared that up: tracks 3 & 7 are swapped on the CD!}

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Sunday, 19th of April, 2009

Playlist 19.04.09 (11:16 pm)

Tonight started with something from the Kissing Kin 7" series on Hidden Hive Records - awesome banjo-driven indiefolk... Clearly I'll have to investigate Le Loup further.
DM Stith is an associate of Sufjan Stevens, and is appropriately on the Asthmatic Kitty label. He has also remixed fellow Asthmatic Kitty My Brightest Diamond, but I haven't found a way yet of getting hold of her exciting remix EPs, so we'll have to wait on that one.
I've been mega-excited by the new Tim Exile album for some time, so it's great to have it finally on the shelves in the shops. I played a couple of tracks from his past as just Exile - awesome forward-thinking drum'n'bass and more. It's also great to hear some full-on drum'n'bass tracks from Silver Bone Tone of late...
Jon Hopkins is coming to Sydney later in the year for the Brian Eno-curated Luminous Festival, and I'm hoping to interview him soon. The album's a fab mix of chamber string/piano arrangements (here and there) and crunchy ambient electronica.
Also in the electronica vein is the excellent Robert Logan, whose new album arrived this week and lived up to all expectations.
A couple of new dubstep tracks off vinyl followed, and then one of a few Genghis Tron remixes I'm going to have to be featuring in coming weeks.
Themselves are back, and while you may have downloaded their "mixtape" theFREEhoudini a few weeks back, I finally received the "deluxe" CD edition this week, with separated tracks and a few extras. For all your alt-hop needs...
Amazing postrock/glitchtronic band 65daysofstatic went touring with The Cure last year, and continue their obsession with John Carpenter by naming their live album Escape From New York. And it's ace, of course!
Sydney postrockers The Dead Sea made their album available for one day this Saturday in honour of Record Store Day, so I traipsed down to Red Eye and grabbed a copy. You'll have to wait a little longer.
Meanwhile a bit of UK postrock history has been made available again courtesy of Fridge's Early Output album, collecting highlights from their earliest releases, on Trevor Jackson's Output Records. Fun stuff, and while they progressed into one of the most amazing bands ever with their Eph and Happiness albums, there's some really valuable stuff on here.
Higamos Hogamos combine krautrock and, well, ROCK on their debut album, and the final track is pretty amazing.
Finnish artist Hannu makes amazing subtle filigree-laden electronic folk, and tonight can (also) be found remixing Leeds band Dakota Suite, as can the wonderful boats. And check out those ukiyo-e remixes (download link below) while you can! Long lost Sydney postrock...
Longtime member of the boats and the remote viewer among many others, and one of the guys behind the amazing Moteer label, Craig Tattersal is finally releasing some of his solo music, and the suitably-titled the archivist album the keeper of the library brings us some of his lovely minimal electronics.
Finally, Sydney's Telafonica combine indie and electronica perfectly, and Iowan Evan Miller brings us some more of his wonderful guitar-picking skills.

Le Loup - To The Stars! To The Night! [Hidden Hive]
DM Stith - Pity Dance [Asthmatic Kitty]
Tim Exile - Family Galaxy [Warp/Planet µ]
Exile - Save Me [Beta Recordings]
Exile - Silicon Chop [Planet µ]
Tim Exile - There's Nothing Left of Me But Her and This [Warp/Planet µ]
Silver Bone Tone - Swan Dive [promo]
Jon Hopkins - Vessel [Domino]
Robert Logan - Angels and Insects [Slowfoot]
Timeblind - time dilated by matter [Version Germany]
Distance - Traffic (Goth Trad remix) [Planet µ]
Genghis Tron - City Whipped (Subtle Remix) [Anticon]
themselves - long time coming (feat. lionesque) [Anticon]
65daysofstatic - Drove through Ghosts To Get Here [Monotreme]
65daysofstatic - No Use Crying Over (Some Techno) [Monotreme]
The Dead Sea - Slow Jet [self-released]
Fridge - Lign [Temporary Residence/Domino]
Fridge - Orko [Temporary Residence/Domino]
Fridge - Ark [Go! Beat]
Higamos Hogamos - The Illuminoids [DC Recordings]
Hannu - Masseuden Tulevaisuus [Kesh]
dakota suite - the end of trying part III (hannu remix) [navigators yard]
ukiyo-e - paddle your own (pimmon remix) [never released? Download it from here!]
dakota suite - the night keeps coming in (the boats remix) [navigators yard]
the archivist - tonight we will play the stars [lacies' records]
the remote viewer - untitled track 4 from debut album [555 Records of Leeds, UK]
Telafonica - Requited Love [4-4-2 music]
Evan Miller - Spell for a Sweeter Past [Preservation]

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Sunday, 12th of April, 2009

Playlist 12.04.09 (11:18 pm)

Started tonight with something of an epic on the Preservation label, from Iowan guitarist Evan Miller. The album's mostly in the James Blackshaw vein of cyclical guitar picking, but this track is a cover of a blues number, replete with vocals and extended, evolving instrumental outro.
A Fat Cat compilation for their 130701 imprint gives us a lovely new Hauschka tune, and we've got a reprise of the stunning Quinta album from last week, as well as konntinent's arctic wastelands and some electronics also from Keyboard Choir.

The main event for tonight was an interview with Paul Gough aka pimmon, he of FBi show Paul's Playlunch. Many topics were covered (underlaid by heaps of pimmony goodness), and we got a special live pimmon track at the end.

The amazing Machinefabriek track that followed comes from a new compilation called Borghesia, for which four artists were given a degraded sample from Henryk Górecki's Symphony No. 3 to base a piece on. Machinefabriek's is one of his long crescendos, and ends up satisfyingly massive and distorted.
Shoeb Ahmad sent in a version of a track from his new album that he did specially for The Silent Ballet, and we got a track from St. Just Vigilantes' album of last year, performed live on a limited EP. reigns made a big impression last week, and continued to deliver, after which we heard from Amon Tobin & Doubleclick's rather excellent collaboration Two Fingers, and Senseless Records' excellent new pair of compilations, Vocals and Versions Vol 1 & 2, mixing dubstep, grime and other dubwise genres.
Sydneysiders Telafonica also seem to have been listening to some dubstep, although their new album ranges from indietronica to techno - more from them next week! Clingtone's bizarrely ramshackle electronica followed, and then Silver Bone Tone contributed a piece of almost-drum'n'bass, sampling, of all pieces, me for a little vocal snippet (unrecognizable mind you).
Robert Logan's album is coming in the next week or so, but the glitchy cut from his previous was very fine indeed, followed by Clark's foray into vocals, and Switch's fab dubstep-ish remix of Björk.

Evan Miller - I Will Turn Your Money Green [Preservation]
Hauschka - Waiting For the Bus [Fat Cat]
Quinta - Reading To Me [Tartaruga]
Quinta - The Finest Riddle [Tartaruga]
konntinent - This Searing Heat [Symbolic Interaction]
Keyboard Choir - Legal Boards [Brainlove Records]
Keyboard Choir - The Final Flicker of the Flame (based on "Under Certain Things" by SJ Esau) [self-released by SJ Esau] {once a free download from here}
...interview with Paul Gough aka pimmon! Incorporating excerpts from many pimmon tracks, catalogued below...
pimmon - post-DM [2.nd rec]
pimmon - xlat [Fällt]
pimmon - no jazz for jokers [Tigerbeat6]
pimmon - sub fission{ [Fällt]
pimmon - %macro.end [Fällt]
pimmon - give me your cylinder [Staalplaat]
pimmon - signal is red / sleeping bird's dream [sirr]
pimmon - over the black dot [Tigerbeat6] {complete track}
pimmon - random n [Fällt]
pimmon - pulsebuzzkid [Tigerbeat6]
pimmon - Went Baxes [2.nd rec]
pimmon - Dream Clown [Meupe]
pimmon - Silver Needle [Static Caravan]
pimmon - Oh Whollsee [Preservation]
...and then, after the interview:
pimmon - live on Utility Fog [expect a download to be available in the next couple of days...]
Machinefabriek - Bourgeoisie In Dutch [Secret Furry Hole Recordings]
Shoeb Ahmad - Belladonna (Starlight Mix) [for The Silent Ballet]
St. Just Vigilantes - Angels in the Angle (live) [Static Caravan]
reigns - everything beyond these walls has been razed [Monotreme]
Two Fingers - Keman Rhythm [Ninja Tune]
Sarantis feat. Warrior Queen - More Than Money (Starkey rmx) [Senseless Records]
Telafonica - Item Number [4-4-2 music]
Clingtone - Zapppppp (Operation Exodus) [self-released]
Silver Bone Tone - Pong [self-released]
The Church of Spontaneous Joy - highway [self-released]
Robert Logan - pop [Slowfoot]
Clark - Growls Garden [Warp]
Björk - Nattura (Switch remix) [One Little Indian]

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Sunday, 5th of April, 2009

Playlist 05.04.09 (11:20 pm)

OK. Tonight, quite a few samplings from a wonderful compilation that Room40 have put together for their Fabrique festival.
A shoegazey longform collaboration between two Italians on Sydney's Preservation label, and an old(er) collaboration between Jasper TX and Machinefabriek, as well as a gorgeous track from Jasper TX's new album...
And then... some utterly beguiling tunes from Quinta, the latest artist to be released on London-based Tartaruga Records, whose presentation is second to none, and who have a real talent for finding mysterious and unusual music. From the sounds of this album, Quinta is a multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer of huge talent, so you should go and purchase her album from the label right now :) Think Pikelet with violins and not loops, or something.
A long track from the rather scary Extra Life - next week, maybe one of the more rocky numbers. This track appears in a different form on a split 12" with Nat Baldwin that I've played a little while ago.
Aleks & the Ramps have a new (split) single, an album on the way, and will be playing in Sydney soon! Wehey! Thursday 30th of April @ the Hopetoun Hotel. Dig it.
afxjim is Travis Baird from Founder, and his album isn't released yet, but it's fokkin great and you'll be hearing it plenty round these parts. Hopefully someone snaps it up real soon. Influences including Mice Parade and Four Tet, but it's all him, and all great.
Beaten By Them are a multinational postrock band, and as they feature a cello they get immediate thumbs up from me. This was a lovely track too.
It's wonderful to see that Reigns are now on Monotreme. Amazing mysterious postrock(ish) sounds, with great sound design and weird narratives behind their albums.
Then we had two tracks from sound&fury's ongoing split 7" series passeridae, which you should seriously consider subscribing to. Beautifully packaged slices of wondrous music.
Also, a favourite track from Kid Sam's debut album, finally available in stores (at least, in some stores!) - Mice Parade-style postrock (to these ears) grafted onto perfect indie songwriting.
konntinent brings us icy crunchy ambience, and Stendeck's a little more overwrought, and then we're in the home strait with a stunning (stunning) tune from David Sylvian, remixed by Sweet Billy Pilgrim). I played this because the latter have just released (or are about to release) their debut album on Sylvian's Samadhi Sound label, and it's a lovely thing too.
Oh yes, and there was a stone-cold classic from Talk Talk in there too.
Finished up with something from Paavoharju's previous album Yhä Hämärää, which I only just got hold of, but it's amazing - a whole lot moreso than their latest in fact.

Pimmon - Chirippk [Room40]
Fabio Orsi & Valerio Cosi - The Frozen Seasons of Lysergia (Part Two) [Preservation]
Keith Fullerton Whitman - Live At Fabrique [Room40]
Jasper TX - A Box of Wood in the Storm [Fang Bomb]
Dag Rosenqvist & Rutger Zuydervelt - Blåsa Rök (Rook Blazen) [Machinefabriek]
Quinta - They Come, The Burning [Tartaruga]
Chris Abrahams - Leiden [Room40]
Quinta - Two Dead Birds [Tartaruga]
Extra Life - I'll Burn [LOAF]
Aleks & the Ramps - Antique Limb [self-released]
afxjim - Love For Juan [promo - somebody needs to release this! Quick smart!]
Beaten By Them - The Asiatic Capital Vista [Logicpole]
Reigns - crex, crex, crex [Monotreme]
Reigns - Chambers [Jonson Family]
Reigns - take it down [Monotreme]
Machinefabriek - Second Dew (overdubbed and edited by Adrian Klumpes) [sound&fury]
Moonmilk - My Mother in Colours [sound&fury]
Kid Sam - Landslide [Two Bright Lakes]
Talk Talk - New Grass [Polydor]
konntinent - Syckl Cell [Symbolic Interaction]
Stendeck - I Fear All The Moments You Will Need Me And I Won't Be There [Tympanik Audio]
David Sylvian - The Heart Knows Better (Remixed by Sweet Billy Pilgrim) [Samadhi Sound]
Sweet Billy Pilgrim - There Will It End [Samadhi Sound]
Paavoharju - Valo Tihkuu Kaiken Läpi [Fonal]

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