a wholly owned subsiduary of
Frogworth Corp
experimental electronica
electric string quartet

Utility Fog

Your weekly fix of postfolkrocktronica, dronenoise, power ambient, post-everything improv... and more?
Sunday nights from 9 to 11pm on FBi Radio, 94.5 FM in Sydney, Australia.
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Playlists are listed with artist name first, then track title and (remixer), then [record label]. Enjoy the links.

Sunday, 25th of October, 2009

Playlist 25.10.09 (10:16 pm)

Tonight we had a big Aaron Martin interview, and featured lots of his work. Download the interview separately.
Also, tonight is my last Utility Fog for 4 weeks as I go gallivanting around the USA. Back in time for the last Sunday of November.
LISTEN AGAIN link at bottom of playlist. Download size is smaller due to technical stuff-up.

While we continue to celebrate Ben Frost’s new album, it was interesting to dive back into his earlier work again, this time to 2005, when he rather stunned the locals by getting himself the gig of remixing Björk. And a fine job he did too.
emptyset are a duo from Bristol making deliciously sparse and deep electronic music of the like that Pan Sonic are known for. I don't think it's a coincidence that one of the mathematical symbols for the empty set is Ø, which Pan Sonic member Mika Vainio records under. The self-titled album by these guys has grown on me a lot, and I've been listening to a few tracks repeatedly.
Tonight featured a lot of repeated artists - new releases and stellar releases suggested this theme. Inch-time’s debut CD in 2004 was featured heavily on this show — the folktronica with deep bass action suiting the 'Fog perfectly — so it was a great pleasure to receive a promo from Stefan of his forthcoming 12". I took the opportunity to play a track from his first CD and one from his previous album, as well as a newie.
And thence into Aaron Martin. He's a lovely feller, and his music — made of cello, banjo, guitars, sundry percussion, found sounds and field recordings, as well as some vocals and no doubt other instruments in the mix — is a unique treasure.
With 3 hours to fill, Utility Fog is able to engage in some delightful indulgences now and then, so tonight we heard what amounted to about half of the new Necks album. Most of their studio albums from the last 10 years or so (Hanging Gardens was 1999!) could count as among their best, and this is no exception, with swooping organ, lush piano and percussion, warm and tight bass and some very tight beats in the middle.
Tonight's takings from the new Ben Frost album are named after Bill Murray's character in Ghostbusters, but the ghosts they evoke are altogether more scary. I'm thinking this is album of the year, or very close to.
Big call, I know :)
Melbournians royalchord are deviating in some fascinating ways from their alt.country roots. The tracks with weird Casio keyboards and simple drum machines under the plaintive vocals are very beguiling.
UFog regular Hauschka has a new 3" EP on the very cute secret furry hole label. It's back to pretty much solo prepared piano, and it's lovely.
A rude shock follows, with Fuck Buttons’ acid techno noise. Quite a lush album, not quite as noisy and untethered as it could have been, but Andrew Weatherall’s production lends it a certain something.
Meanwhile, Sydney instrumental ROCK band Captain Kickarse and the Awesomes have a new EP out, and it rocks in their usual fashion.
We then dip back down to Melbourne, where Julian Williams is purveying some experimental pop featuring that very Melbournian light-voiced almost-whinge singing which I have to admit I'm not quite sure about. But he's a member of Hi-God People, so he's automatically awesome. Co-released by Synaesthesia, who upped-and-relocated to London a few years back, so it's nice to see them pitching in here.
We heard from Alister Spence Trio’s new album fit last week, and its scintillating textures required another outing. Fans of Triosk, 3ofmillions and indeed The Necks take note.
Finally, to see me off as I won't get to play him for 4 weeks now, two tracks from fieldhead’s wonderful album, which should be out in just over a week. Mixing Machinefabriek-style drone-noise with clicky 2step beats and folktronic elements, it's another entry in the top albums of the year.

Björk - Desired Constellation (Ben Frost's School of Emotional Engineering Mix) [One Little Indian]
emptyset - Gate 3 [Caravan]
emptyset - Completely Gone [Caravan]
Inch-time - a handful of dust [Static Caravan]
Inch-time - red in green [self-released; re-released by Static Caravan is also out of print]
Inch-time - Icicles and Snowflakes [Static Caravan]
Aaron Martin - Karl Rove [Preservation]
Aaron Martin - Two and a Half Acres [Preservation]
...inteview with Aaron Martin, with excerpts from "Kentucky", "Tire Swing", "Terrace" (on Under the Spire), Wheat Beetle (on now-defunct netlabel My Formica Table), "Branch Wheel", "Tilton's", "Cello Recycling" (with and self-released by Machinefabriek, also on Type), "Terrace (Grand View)" (with Part Timer, forthcoming on Under the Spire)...
Aaron Martin - Burl [forthcoming on sound&fury]
The Necks - 25-30 minute excerpt from Silverwater [Fish of Milk, through Shock]
Ben Frost - Peter Venkman Pt I [Bedroom Community]
Ben Frost - Peter Venkman Pt II [Bedroom Community]
royalchord - It's Not Who [Mistletone]
Hauschka - flingern [secret furry hole]
Fuck Buttons - Phantom Limb [ATP Records]
Fuck Buttons - Space Mountain [ATP Records]
Captain Kickarse and the Awesomes - Doubletank [self-released]
Julian Williams - Fairground Secret Rite [Synaesthesia/Spill]
Alister Spence Trio - wash away [Rufus Records]
Alister Spence Trio - caught in light (reprise) [Rufus Records]
fieldhead - introductions [home assembly music]
fieldhead - this train is a rainbow [home assembly music]

Listen again — ~170MB. File is lower bitrate than usual because a re-edit was required and, er, it's a long story m'kay?

Comments Off on Playlist 25.10.09

Sunday, 18th of October, 2009

Playlist 18.10.09 (10:09 pm)

Tonight's Utility Fog featured an interview with Portland's Heather Woods Broderick, which is available for download separately here as well as as part of the whole show.
LISTEN AGAIN link at bottom of playlist.

We started with a new track from Alister Spence Trio, featuring Spence on piano/keyboards, The Necks’ Lloyd Swanton on bass, and Toby Hall on drums. Although they're laid out like a traditional jazz piano trio, like the Necks their musical ventures take them out into ambient and experimental territories — such as the lovely double bass textures at the end of this track.
Sufjan Stevens’ orchestration skills have been evident for as long as he's been making music, so it's no great surprise to hear an amazing orchestral work from him. The BQE extends far further than just the classical orchestra, though, as we hear in the plucking at the start of the first track I player, and the second track's wonderful electronic processing and edits.
I played a track from the new bleeding heart narrative album last week, but tonight wanted to showcase some more of Oliver Barrett's talent — so we had something from his debut album, and two vocal tracks from tongue tangled hair, featuring string arrangements and studio interventions.
Heather Woods Broderick’s debut album is a beautiful concoction of indiefolk songs, string arrangements and adventurous production. I had an in-depth chat with Heather and played quite a bit of her music!
Simultaneously (I think?) with The BQE, string quartet Osso are releasing an album of string quartet arrangements of Sufjan’s experimental electronic album Enjoy Your Rabbit, so I felt it was worth hearing a track from that album, as well as Nico Muhly’s arrangement of one of the tracks.
This allowed me a segue into Iceland-based Adelaidian Ben Frost’s fabulous music, as Nico is involved in Ben's latest album (and they share a record label). We had a track (as we did last week too) from Ben's early EP music for sad children, and one from his band school of emotional engineering, followed by another amazing piece from By The Throat, which should be out in Australia by the end of this week.
This took us back to Alister Spence Trio, with quite a different track from the opener, and then more piano goodness from Leila, masterfully covering Aphex Twin for the Warp20 (Recreated) compilation. Also on piano, from his beautiful Polaroid Piano release on Brisbane's Someone Good, we had two tracks of soft-focus piano and interesting studio treatments from Akira Kosemura.
One of many free downloads this week came from Sydney's Seekae, via Loopsnake (FBi's own Andrew Maxam), with a lovely remix of their fan favourite "Void".
We followed this with a few tracks from Dublin breakcore/electronic artist Herv, who first came to my attention way back in 2003. We had one track from that year, and one from 2006, showcasing Herv's interest in using classical & acoustic sounds in his music, and followed it with a manic track from his latest, a (free) download release on CockRockDisco.
Another remix of the Melvins follows, in which noise god Matthew Bower surfaces as Sunroof! and turns in a piece of gorgeous ambience(!)
Coincidentally perfectly in key with Sunroof!'s track is Sydney's Deepchild, whose latest release is highly, and most satisfyingly dubstep-influenced.
London prodigy Paul White inhabits more of the wonky hip-hop end of this spectrum, and after his astounding remix featured on the Wild Angels comp, it's great to hear some equally bent sounds from The Strange Dreams of Paul White, sampling from King Crimson and Captain Beefheart among many, many others.
Rob Sparx has made his way from d'n'b roots (there are a couple of excellent drum'n'bass tracks on this album too) into the dubstep world, and his latest album is a double CD, the second one featuring (I believe) tracks from 12"s and remixes from the likes of Distance.
And Ital Tek has a new 12" on his own Atom River, and is giving away a bonus track free from the label's website.
Shadow Huntaz somehow segue nicely out of dubstep, with the bass-heavy production of Funckarma. The brothers remix Belgian electronic pop group Röyksopp, turning something silly into something very dirty and heavy.
And finally, while King Cannibal’s remix of Two Fingers isn't quite as dirty as The Bug’s one I featured a couple of weeks back, it's got a great almost-drum'n'bass drive to it.

Alister Spence Trio - neon and rain [Rufus Records]
Sufjan Stevens - The BQE, Movement III: Linear Tableau with Intersecting Surprise [Asthmatic Kitty]
Sufjan Stevens - The BQE, Movement IV: Traffic Shock [Asthmatic Kitty]
bleeding heart narrative - the cartographer [Tartaruga Records]
bleeding heart narrative - bhn [Tartaruga Records]
bleeding heart narrative - colours turn colours [Tartaruga Records]
Heather Woods Broderick - From the Ground [Preservation]
...interview with Heather Woods Broderick (accompanied by extracts from "Something Other Than", "For Misty" and "Left" and "Old Son")...
Heather Woods Broderick - Wounded Bird [Preservation]
fieldhead - songs well known [home assembly music]
Sufjan Stevens - year of the rat [Asthmatic Kitty]
Osso - Year of the Dragon (Sufjan Stevens arr Nico Muhly) [Asthmatic Kitty]
Ben Frost - poking holes in your research [self-released and long out of print!]
school of emotional engineering - falling for sylvia [Architecture Label]
Ben Frost - Híbakúsja [Bedroom Community]
Alister Spence Trio - radium [Rufus Records]
Leila - vordhosbn [Warp] {cover of Aphex Twin}
Akira Kosemura - Tyme [Someone Good]
Akira Kosemura - Sign [Someone Good]
Seekae - Void (Loopsnake Remix) [download from SoundCloud]
Herv - Konnektquartet [Go Away Recordings]
Herv - fast food, slow women [compactrisc.]
Herv - At the moment of commitment, the universe conspires to assist you [CockRockDisco] {album is a free download from CRD!}
Melvins - The Silky Apple Butter of Youth by Sunroof! [Ipecac]
Deepchild - Wannado [Sub Continental Dub]
Paul White - The Uprising Of The Insane [One Handed Music]
Paul White - Alien Nature [One Handed Music]
Rob Sparx - The Prayer (Distance Remix) [Z Audio]
Rob Sparx - Stroller [Z Audio]
Ital Tek - Lightning Fields [Atom River] {free download from the label site!}
Shadow Huntaz - Mysteries [Porter Records]
Röyksopp - Tricky Tricky (Funckarma Rmx) [download from SoundCloud]
Two Fingers feat. Ce'Cile and Sway - Bad Girl (King Cannibal remix) [Ninja Tune]

Listen again — ~270MB.

Sunday, 11th of October, 2009

Playlist 11.10.09 (10:08 pm)

LISTEN AGAIN via the link below the playlist.

Tonight started with an excellent cello-pop tune from Melbourne artist Gareth Skinner, who I was lucky to have a talk to a bit later on in the show. His new album Looking For Vertical is out now on Rubber Records, in very limited physical copies, and available also for download. Recommended!
Next, Sufjan Stevens’ Castanets cover from compilation of the year Dark Was The Night — I was given the excuse because I just got hold of the as always fascinating new Castanets album.
Also out with a new album is Oliver Barrett (another cellist) aka bleeding heart narrative. If you've been following Utility Fog for a little while you'll know that bhn's debut album was one of my top albums of last year. The new one features more vocals and a bit less noise and experimentation. Heaps of depth to this one, and you can expect more cuts appearing in the next while on the show.
More Gareth Skinner followed, and a few insights into his background and approach to music-making.
Another string player in the indie music world is Lisa Germano, whose violin is featured all over her new album of exquisite chamber pop songs on the ever-reliable Young God Records.

This week's recommended gig is Feral Media’s double CD launch — the latest two releases in their POWWOW series. It's at St Petersberg, a semi-secret warehouse venue at 21 May St, St Peters. OK, not that secret ;)
We heard another track from afxjim’s excellent Blackout Music, combining postrock, folktronica and an evident delight in music.

Phoenix probably wouldn't usually find their way into a Utility Fog playlist, but with Animal Collective remixing them, they're a shoe-in. We followed them up with dragging pianos, revelation of the week. They're from Townsville, where they have connections with The Middle East, and they make a beautiful brand of indietronica all to their own.
Speaking of which, Telafonica have a new EP out, a song that we were playing in demo form on FBi a little while ago. Karoshi is typically detailed in his sympathetic remix.
If you happen to be reading this before midday on Monday the 12th, it's strongly recommended that you tune into FBi to listen to Paul's Playlunch, where Paul Gough will be featuring the amazing retrospective Severed Heads box set, and talking to Tom Ellard. Essential listening. I didn't have anything quite that early available from Severed Heads, so we had a track from 1984's City Slab Horror, and one from 1994's Gigapus - both instrumentals, and a little bit different from the standard (and no less brilliant) post-industrial electronic "pop" Tom's known for.
Ben Frost has a new album out in a couple of weeks, and those who know his previous, Theory of Machines, will have high expectations. And those expectations will be ably met - it's as incredible as it should be. Postrock strings, acoustic guitar and piano are subsumed by raging distorted bass drones and crunching beats, and everything, from the bowed double bass to the heavy riffage, is recorded in wondrous high fidelity.
Ben was originally based in Adelaide, where I met him in about 2001 (introduced, as I mentioned on-air, by Mark "Clue to Kalo" Mitchell). His first EP clearly pointed to the greatness to come. Next week I'll spin a track from, I guess, his last "Australian" release - 2004's school of emotional engineering, as well as some more newness.
Ben's track "Theory of Machines" appeared on Mary Anne Hobbs' Evangeline compilation last year, and we followed it with Mark Pritchard’s analogue ode "?", with which she chose to open this year's Wild Angels.
Atlas Sound’s new album, just out now, features a lovely krautrocky number with Laetitia Sadier on vocals. For some reason of late I've expected Deerhunter and Atlas Sound to tedious and lacking (perhaps having been blown away by their volume and inspiration in Montreal in 2007) — yet when I sit down to listen to the new releases, they're invariably excellent! So it goes...
As all the Warp20 box sets arrived on Friday, we went into a little Warp zone for a while. While the 2 CDs of (Recreated) have their fair share of filler, there are also any number of artists willing to take their chosen tracks into new directions. Jamie Lidell is appropriately respectful of Grizzly Bear’s gorgeous "Little Brother", while simultaneously making it his own. And Tim Exile certainly makes Lidell's "A Little Bit More" his own. John Callaghan, on the other hand, takes an almost-forgotten Autechre track from the Cichlisuite EP, adds vocals, and creates something wonderful - utterly English, still Autechre, but with another layer of loveliness, especially in the chorus.
Autechre’s contribution to the (Unheard) set follows, clearly from the early days, around 1993. The melody consistently recalls an element from the classic "eutow", from Tri Repetae for me — so I had to give it a spin too.
Finally, we heard an "Unheard" track from Boards of Canada — this time potentially from the geogaddi days, or even later. Lovely regardless.
And to finish, another preview of fieldhead’s fabulous forthcoming album.

Gareth Skinner - Amateur Hour [Rubber Records]
Sufjan Stevens - You Are The Blood [4AD/Red Hot]
Castanets - No Trouble [Asthmatic Kitty]
bleeding heart narrative - a dialogue [Tartaruga Records]
...interview with Gareth Skinner...
Gareth Skinner - Vernon, Florida [Rubber Records]
Lisa Germano - To The Mighty One [Young God Records]
Gareth Skinner - Looking For Vertical [Rubber Records]
afxjim - The T in Tchina [Feral Media]
Phoenix - Love Like A Sunset (Animal Collective Remix) [Glassnote] {download from Stereogum!}
dragging pianos - the food chain #3 [self-released]
Telafonica - The Quest For Karoshi Aboard The Belafonte [4-4-2 music] {free download release!}
Severed Heads - We Have Come To Bless This House [Ink Records, now available direct thru Sevcom]
Severed Heads - Nighttime Falls [Volition, now available direct thru Sevcom]
Ben Frost - Killshot [Bedroom Community]
Ben Frost - hiding in the ether [self-released and long out of print!]
Ben Frost - Theory of Machines [Bedroom Community]
Mark Pritchard - ? [Planet µ]
Atlas Sound - Quick Canvas feat. Laetitia Sadier [4AD/kranky/Remote Control]
Jamie Lidell - Little Brother [Warp] {cover of Grizzly Bear}
Tim Exile - A Little Bit More [Warp] {cover of Jamie Lidell}
John Callaghan - Phylactery [Warp] {cover of "Tilapia" by Autechre}
Autechre - Oval Moon (IBC Mix) [Warp]
Autechre - eutow [Warp]
Boards of Canada - Seven Forty Seven [Warp]
fieldhead - he'd found the sea [home assembly music]

Listen again — ~263MB.

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Sunday, 4th of October, 2009

Playlist 04.10.09 (10:14 pm)

So tonight was a bit of schlemozzel from my end, as I'd been at TINA since Friday night and hadn't prepared to my usual level of insane meticulousness. Seemed to go alright though, but forgive the excess babble.
As usual, LISTEN AGAIN via link below playlist.

Started with a replay from last week, one of the tracks of the year without a doubt!
I only managed one of Terror Danjah’s Gremlinz this week, but next week I'm sure I'll play the excellent junglist track that finishes his album. It's high-quality instrumental grime, even if his trademark cackle and fairly similar beats get a bit much over a whole album - there's some true gems there.
I've played Paul Elam, aka fieldhead, a fair bit on the show and he always garners a reaction. His debut album is finally coming out soon, and I have a preview copy that I'll be pushing at you for the next few weeks - a wonderful amalgam of drone/noise, 2step-inspired beats and folktronic bits, appropriate for his other life as a member of the declining winter. As with all releases on the fabulous home assembly music, initial copies of the album come with a bonus remix CD, and Paul's lined up some excellent names (see the label's site for a rundown - and pre-order the album while you're there!). Machinefabriek does a splendid job on tonight's sampling.
I love pretty much everything Lucky Dragons do. They're not quite as jagged and cut-up as their stunning early works any more, opting for a more organic and tribal sound, but it's still very processed and bizarre. Their new CD on Japanese label Moamoo collects tracks from their last three vinyl releases, plus a few bonuses. I took the opportunity to play the blissed-out “honeycomb house parts 1-3”, which I'd happily have on repeat for hours. Dig it.
My first purchase from Newcastle came next. The Spanish Magic folks (aka Castings) have setup a shopfront called Vox Cyclops as part of Marcus Westbury’s fantastic Renew Necastle project - taking the empty shopfronts and warehouses that litter Newcastle and filling them with creative ventures of all sorts. I grabbed a number of weird & wonderful (mostly) Aussie releases there.
I've been reading about Perth artist Craig McElhinney but hadn't heard any of his work. It's lovely guitar-loopy stuff on the whole. Thumbs up.
Taswegian Keith Mason (whose CD is stocked by Vox Cyclops if you're looking for it) does some pretty grotesque things to a guitar, synth and some vocal chords. I'm not sure why Craig reminded me of Keith but anyway, one led to the other.
90 degree handbrake turn takes us next to Why?, from his/their latest album, with the song with that great refrain (see below). More cascading piano lines from Doug McDiarmid.
Gareth Skinner’s wonderful chugging rock celli come next. I'm very much looking forward to chatting with Gareth next week, and hopefully y'all will be inspired to grab his album Looking For Vertical afterwards.
New this week is a compilation called Crayon Angel, which features covers of the folk singer Judee Sill. I have to be upfront that Sill's songwriting doesn't really do it for me - and the religious undercurrent is a bit of a turnoff. Nevertheless there are a few great pieces here, particularly the two I played tonight: Daniel Rossen cannot do a thing wrong, and he's been known to turn utter dreck into pure gold before (see here). Similarly, Owen Pallett is famous for his live cover versions, and his track is a thing of beauty.
Dan Rossen takes us to Grizzly Bear, and thence we find ourselves with our other "feature album" this week, the Warp20 (Recreated) comp, celebrating Warp Records’ 20th birthday in style, with Warp artists covering other Warp artists. Sydney's Pivot bring us their take on the Grizzlies' "Colorado", with Richie Pike on vocal duties, recorded by Cornel Qua at his new studio Electric Dreams. They've done a lovely job.
We also heard Clark’s manic drill'n'bass take on the Milanese classic "So Malleable", and Milanese's own "cold mix", still an astounding piece - starkly minimal, but referencing jungle and hardcore as well as dubstep and techno.
One of the best tracks by far on this comp comes from Mira Calix, teaming up with cellist Oliver Coates to remake a Boards of Canada tune. I couldn't help but play the BoC classic "Hi Scores", which is one of my favourite pieces of music, I dare say - and at least a couple of correspondents agreed :)
Another fieldhead cut kept us in the zone, after which we were blindsided (I hope) by Christoph Heemann’s gorgeous contribution to the Melvins remix album - which only bursts into hardcore punk for the last 30 seconds. This album, Chicken Switch, makes for interesting listening - and fuck anybody who says remix albums are gratuitous! There's some great creativity flowing from the artists assembled here, from noise maestros to glitch pioneers, the latter being of course none other than Farmers Manual, from whose iconic Explorers We I excerpted about 10 minutes of controlled chaos.
Who better to follow that than our own pimmon, who not only played some fine sets at his shows with Ensemble Offspring this week, but also dazzled those of us lucky enough to witness his set at the Renew Newcastle Church on Saturday evening at TINA. I picked up his very limited self-released CDR the sounds of Perth at that gig, from which we heard Gosnells (postcode 6110).
And another sparkling take from sparklehorse + fenneszIn The Fishtank collaboration.
Perth's Stina Thomas has put out only a few tracks over the last few years, but it's of such high quality that anything new should be highly sought after. I grabbed her new split 7" with The Tigers (whose delightfully-named track was heard directly afterwards) direct from the Love Is My Velocity folks at the TINA zine fair, where I also picked up a bunch of excellent comics (hi Ben! Hi Pat!) and some crazy breakcore shit (hi Guy!)
The Tigers were followed with some more top-quality postrock type stuff from afxjim, an all-too-unassuming bloke whose album Blackout Music needs to be trumpeted to the world, so marvellous it is. Come on people, go listen on the MySpazz and you'll be grabbing that shit right away.
Strangely, Ramona Falls segued perfectly from the previous track (nah, it's just my programming genius). I had an early promo of this and missed that it had already come out in the USA. OH MAN this is great! It's got everything that makes Menomena (of whom he is a member) so fine - catchy melodies, glowing piano lines, big drums... Essential.
And yes, that Final Fantasy Judee Sill cover is something else, isn't it?

Tranqill - Payroll (Paul White’s Clean Dub) [Planet µ]
Terror Danjah - Splash [Planet µ]
fieldhead - this train is a rainbow [home assembly music]
fieldhead - songs well known (Machinefabriek remix) [home assembly music] {unmastered - the album with bonus remix cd can still be pre-ordered from home assembly music and comes out on the 2nd of November!}
the declining winter - fieldhead remix [home assembly]
Lucky Dragons - honeycomb house parts 1-3 [Moamoo]
Craig McElhinney - The Kavorka (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the beast) [Meupe]
K Mason - VTR [K Mason]
Why? - Even The Good Wood Gone [Anticon] {NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY!}
Gareth Skinner - Amateur Hour [Rubber Records]
Daniel Rossen - Waterfall [American Dust]
Pivot - Colorado [Warp]
Clark - So Malleable [Warp]
Milanese - So Malleable (cold mix) [Planet µ]
Mira Calix with Oliver Coates - In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country [Warp]
Boards of Canada - Hi Scores [SKAM]
fieldhead - of october [home assembly music]
Melvins - Emperor Twaddle Remix by Christoph Heemann [Ipecac]
Melvins - disp_tx_skel_mach_murx by Farmers Manual [Ipecac]
Farmers Manual - extract from Explorers_We [OR]
pimmon - Gosnells [self-released album the sounds of Perth]
sparklehorse + fennesz - Music Box Of Snakes [Konkurrent]
Stina - Only two [Love Is My Velocity]
The Tigers - Now that I am old whatever shall I do with my whimsical hardcore tattoos? [Love Is My Velocity]
afxjim - Love For Juan [Feral Media]
Ramona Falls - Melectric [Barsuk]
Final Fantasy - The Donor [American Dust]

New! Listen again — ~264MB.

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