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experimental electronica
electric string quartet

Utility Fog

Your weekly fix of postfolkrocktronica, dronenoise, power ambient, post-everything improv... and more?
Sunday nights from 9 to 11pm on FBi Radio, 94.5 FM in Sydney, Australia.
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Playlists are listed with artist name first, then track title and (remixer), then [record label]. Enjoy the links.

Sunday, 28th of January, 2018

Playlist 28.01.18 (8:01 pm)

Tonight on the 'Fog a discussion with the estimable Mr Chris Abrahams, who is playing with this beloved band The Necks around the east coast in the next couple of months... Also some great local & international music including a couple of huge compilations for the start of the year...

LISTEN AGAIN to some illuminating words from Chris and some top-notch postrock, electronics and evolved noise... FBi's got the stream on demand covered. Podcast here.

Nils Frahm - Fundamental Values [Erased Tapes]
Nils Frahm - My Friend the Forest [Erased Tapes]
It's been a while between proper solo studio albums for Nils Frahm. I've heard a lot of good stuff about this, but to be honest I found the tracks with a choir a little over the top on first listen, and the Juno stuff a bit uninspired. Nevertheless, there's heaps to be delighted by, and in particular some really quiet, restrained piano stuff that's just gorgeous - including some prepared piano and subtle orchestration. Good on you Nils old chap.

Chris Abrahams - Beach of Black Stones [Vegetable Records]
Interview with Chris Abrahams...
The Necks - Rise {under interview} [Ideologic Organ/Bandcamp]
Chris Abrahams - One-Liter Cold Laptop [Room40]
I can't believe this is the first time I've talked to Chris Abrahams on the show, despite having not only been a fan of The Necks for decades, but having known Chris for some time too. All three of these people are very thoughtful musicians, and even though The Necks live are dedicated to the wordless communication and communion of spontaneous creation, they have a lot to say about the creative process. We discussed their expansion (both Chris as a solo artist and The Necks together) from "time-based" creation to the freedom afforded by using a DAW like ProTools, allowing for enormous numbers of audio tracks to be moved around the eventual timeline. Live, The Necks create mesmerising longform works, very much about the principle that "one thing comes after another", as Chris said. The three musicians interact with each other, the space they're in and indeed the audience themselves, to create patient music that can grow into incredible locked grooves or massive walls of sound, or not at all. I'm looking forward to their show at 3pm next Sunday (Feb 4th) at Parramatta Riverside Theatres, but you can see all the dates here.

Original Past Life - Infinity [Original Past Life Bandcamp]
On this new single, Perth postrock/experimental outfit Original Past Life have used Australian artist Alan Lamb's Infinite Music Machine to create the otherworldly drones than underpin the postrocky drums & guitars. Bodes well for a freer, more experimental second album from these guys.

Warm Stranger - Neu [Esc.rec]
Warm Stranger - Apron & Valium [Human Mistake Records]
Warm Stranger - Burning Ghost Dream [Esc.rec]
The second EP from Melbourne musician James Annesley under his Warm Stranger alias finds him in a similarly dark place to his first. Mysterious, arcane field recordings and voices at the edge of hearing hover around processed recordings of shellac discs and disintegrating cassettes, with some industrial-derived beats accompanying them. Highly recommended, both of these EPs.

Vapur - Dirtyland [self-released]
Vapur - Magnavox [self-released]
Orchestral & film composer Joseph Nizeti debuts his new project Vapur for idm/electronic-influenced sounds. There are some great beats here, but also very accomplished sound design - the title track of the Magnavox EP being a case in point, with bright shiny synths contradicted by some weirdly warped electronic messiness floating through the middle of the mix. On this release Nizeti was interested in taking electronic sounds and re-amping them through speakers in various environments, so the sounds have a pleasing three-dimensionality to them.

Helm - Blue Scene (Laurel Halo Remix) [ALTER]
Helm - Blue Scene (Parris Remix) [ALTER]
Luke Younger's Helm makes its final move on to the dancefloor, from his noise beginnings, on this EP - not to say that the previous remix outings and the original EP here haven't already found him in this space. The World In Action EP is well-placed to provide the material for the remixers, and the two rather different versions of "Blue Scene" here take us into two different worlds of electronic beats - Laurel Halo going down her mini-epic techno route, and Parris playing with tension in his weightless-style bass beats, eventually dropping some righteous jungle amens over the groove.

Sophia Loizou - Shadows of Futurity [Houndstooth]
Lanark Artefax - Styx [Houndstooth]
The new compilation In Death's Dream Kingdom from the Houndstooth label sees them venturing into new territory with a huge digital-only compilation for which the artists have been instructed to base their track around the album's title or the whole of TS Elliott's bleak poem "The Hollow Men" from which it's taken. The result features a lot more abstract and ambient sounds than the label is usually known for, and a great range of contemporary artists. There's a plethora of tracks that I could have chosen, and we may hear more in the next week or so, but tonight we had a fantastic piece from Sophia Loizou doing her usual mixture of contemporary composition with rave/jungle memories, and tipped newcomer Lanark Artefax (whose music already draws on themes of spirituality and ancientness) giving us a slab of jungle-tinged techno.

Oli XL - Power Over Death [Posh Isolation]
Ydegirl - LOA _ An Indie Libretto [Posh Isolation]
Puce Mary - I Pray For Deliverance, The Size of My Desires [Posh Isolation]
This week's other big compilation (and there's a third, which I'll feature next week on the show) is I Could Go Anywhere But Again I Go With You - Danish label Posh Isolation's first digital-only compilation, showcasing a lot of amazing Danish musicians in various electronic & experimental guises. There's not a lot of information on many of these people (while others are rather well-known). Oli XL is a Swedish electronic musician. The beautiful electronic pop of Ydegirl is the work of singer Andrea Novel, and Puce Mary is the well-known experimental artist Frederikke Hoffmeier.

My promise of another track from In Death's Dream Kingdom didn't arise as I misjudged the time, so we'll hear more from both these compilations next week, along with some selections from Touched Music's Found Sound 2CD (and digital) set that ALSO dropped this week!
Listen again — ~191MB

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Sunday, 21st of January, 2018

Playlist 21.01.18 (8:24 pm)

Jam-packed show tonight, with quite a bit of doomy shit, and quite a bit of droney shit, and quite a bit of glitchy weird shit. All good shit.

LISTEN AGAIN via stream on demand at FBi's website, or podcast over here.

Divide and Dissolve - Resistance [forthcoming]
Divide and Dissolve - BLACK POWER [DERO Culture]
Melbourne duo Divide and Dissolve have made a huge impact since their debut album last year - represented by the second selection tonight. Essentially an instrumental doom duo of guitar and drums, their guitarist Takiaya Reed also plays gorgeous, pure saxophone in a number of tracks, including the intro to both tracks tonight. Their focus is on dismantling the white supremacy and misogyny in so much of the metal scene (and of course wider in the music industry and western culture). They are appearing at the Playing in a War Zone event this Friday, January 26th, curated by Sass Hound as part of The NOW now 2018.

Alessio Santini - Ffar [Elli Records]
Alessio Santini - Sndaz Majorii [Elli Records]
Keeping the doomy theme, two tracks of doom-laden guitar riffs and crunching drums, fed through the granular machines by Alessio Santini, and Italian artist who once played in doom metal bands but also made idm through the '90s and '00s. These interests combine on this release, with imposing dark ambient structures accompanied by scattering, chopped percussion.

h.eund - Panic [self-released]
h.eund - Warning [self-released]
h.eund - Drowning [self-released]
Visceral portrayals of the experience of bipolar disorder from Sydney artist Bekkie Kay's debut solo EP DSM, released under the name h.eund. It's on Spotify, and you can at least also get it from Google Play, iTunes et al. This is fantastically produced electronic music as well as sonic storytelling.

Buttress O'Kneel - Triennial Hoof [Buttress O'Kneel Bandcamp]
Melbourne's queen of creative mashups and glitchtronica here extends her "Drum and Waste" concept - originally her glitching, destroyed CDs in duo with live drummers - to virtual collaborations with solo drum stems found online. This track is an anagram of "Fool in the Rain", suggesting the drum track (and studio chatter) is John Bonham - but what makes it stand out is the rather beautiful glitchy vocals and other sounds layered on top. The anonymous BO'K has always been super creative in super unexpected ways.

Martina Lussi - Citrin [Hallow Ground]
Beautiful electroacoustic sound-art from Swiss artist Martina Lussi on her Selected Ambient EP, with a mix of crackly and droney sounds, and a hint of a ravey acid bassline wobbling below in the second half of this track. There's some lovely 4/4 techno in the second half of one of the other tracks, but on the whole it lives up to its title, and even to its Aphex Twin reference. Great stuff.

Dina Maccabee - The World is in the Work (Isaac Schankler remix) [MINUS ZERO]
Last year's solo album The World is in the Work from violist & singer Dina Maccabee was one of my favourite releases of the year (it appeared in my first "Best of" show). She's now released a remix album, delightfully inverting the title as The Work is in the World, with a musicians' collective called Minus Zero that donates its entire proceeds to Planned Parenthood - so it's worth dropping some money on this as well as the wonderful original album. There's everything from ambient layering like this track to kind of electro-pop reinterpretations.

Aidan Baker & Gareth Davis - Signs [Karlrecords]
Released through the excellent Karlrecords is the debut collaboration between doom guitar & ambient hero Aidan Baker and ambient/postrock/experimental clarinettist Gareth Davis, who frequently works with the likes of Machinefabriek and plays with the excellent Belgian postrock/psych group Oiseaux-Tempête. Ruminative ambient soundscapes with field recordings and smooth clarinet, everything apparently happening just beneath the surface.

Michel Banabila - The Ripple Effect (feat. Gareth Davis) [Tapu Records]
Michel Banabila - B1 from Marilli [Séance Centre]
Michel Banabila - A2 + B1 + B2 (Bogumil Misala / IP remix) [Tapu Records]
Michel Banabila - In A Language I Can Understand [Séance Centre]
Michel Banabila - Spider, Spit and Broken Bells [Tapu Records]
Gareth Davis also appears on a new track from Dutch worldtronic/sound-art veteran Michel Banabila (another frequent Machinefabriek collaborator), who of late has been releasing some fascinating archival recordings of his music - our second selection is originally from 1983 - showing his long-standing interest in world music and tape manipulation, and his early forays into drone. The 1983 debut album Marilli was remixed by a whole bunch of experimental electronic artists, and has just been re-released on a double vinyl set with a collection of more recent archival & unreleased material called Trespassing, from which we take a 2009 track that's part of another long-standing practice of Banabila, the sampling and manipulation of vocals from all around the world, producing alien languages and expressive, warped and glitched new phraseology. Michel really ought to be more famous too hey...
Séance Centre's Trespassing album, which comes with the Marilli reissue, is a nice way of getting acquainted with some of his back catalogue, and the new mini-album Just Above The Surface is a good indicator of what he's up to nowadays.

Rutger Zuydervelt with Ilia Belorukov & René Aquarius - Painting [Sofa]
Rutger Zuydervelt with Ilia Belorukov & René Aquarius - Train [Sofa]
Rutger Zuydervelt with Ilia Belorukov & René Aquarius - Dacha [Sofa]
Rutger Zuydervelt - Gathering 6 [Machinefabriek Bandcamp]
Aaron Martin & Machinefabriek - Arms Turn Slowly [Dronarivm]
Aaron Martin & Machinefabriek - Leaves Are Swimming [Dronarivm] {fragment under talking}
And so we reach the work of Rutger Zuydervelt, aforementioned as Machinefabriek. Rutger has of late been producing quite a bit of soundtrack work. The second volume of his soundtracks to the computer game Astroneer (which within the game are generative, reactive to game-play) was released late last year, as was a gorgeous collaborative contemporary dance soundtrack with Aaron Martin called Seeker, and coming out shortly is a soundtrack to a Dutch documentary on the legacy of Stalin called The Red Soul, produced in collaboration with Russian saxophonist & sound-artist Ilia Belorukov, and Dutch experimental percussionist René Aquarius of incendiary free jazz/metal/noise duo Dead Neanderthals. I was really taken by these words in a review of the movie (which sounds fascinating) in The Hollywood Reporter:

At such moments, the film's trump cards — Tom Bijnen's sound design and the score chiefly composed by Rutger Zuydervelt — are played to particularly atmospheric effect. With so many current documentaries spoiled by excessively conventional and heavy-handed musical accompaniment, it's a pleasure to encounter soundscapes as sparing and subtle as these. Indeed, so subliminally is Zuydervelt's work incorporated that at first it may not even be recognized as music at all. The ear then picks up on the rhythms of quasi-choral soughing, which seems to emanate from the soil and trees themselves like a phantom voice from the icy breeze.

Aaron Martin - Fire Current [Preserved Sound]
Nice to have a new solo album also from Aaron Martin, using all his acoustic, folk & classical-redolent instruments including the central cello but also banjo, ukulele, guitar and field recordings (at least), most of which appear along with his voice on the beautiful Machinefabriek collaboration above. Out soon on English CDR label Preserved Sound (which is kinda nice since the first few of Aaron's albums came out through Sydney's Preservation), it's contemplative, often sorrowful layers of these instruments - tonight's track being rapturous but reserved multi-tracked strings.

Listen again — ~274MB

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Sunday, 14th of January, 2018

Playlist 14.01.18 (8:07 pm)

Second show of 2018, with more new music for the new year plus some catch-ups, of which a few would easily have made my best-of lists if I'd got to them in time! Good music.

Stream on demand seems broken, so I'll hopefully update this post tomorrow with the link!

Sven Laux - Interference [Dronarivm]
Giulio Aldinucci - Sereno [Dronarivm]
For a second year running, Russian label Dronarivm has started the year with a hefty download compilation - this time raising money for a charity that trains service dogs for the disabled. It features heaps of great neo/post-classical and ambient artists - tonight we start with some beautiful slow-breathing orchestral-sounding pulses from German producer Sven Laux, and some detailed, layered drones from the wonderful Giulio Aldinucci.

Machinefabriek - Hide Inside [Champion Version]
There's always a lot of music I miss and catch up on in the following year, but it's unusual for me to miss something from Machinefabriek, completist that I am. This is a splendid piece of postrocky electronics, tailor-made for a split 7" with Minor Pilot on Champion Version.

Bleurgh! - Nothing You Say Matters Anyway [unreleased demo/rehearsal]
Sydney collective Bleurgh! like to fly under the radar - no Facebook, a website that's locked down unless you're given special access... This track features Melanie Louise Eden, who's singing with them now, and it's a beautifully affecting song, seemingly created improvisatorily. You'll be able to catch that line-up at The NOW now on Saturday the 27th of Jan if you're in Sydney - highly recommended.

Midget! - Sur le premier matin [Objet Disque]
Midget! - Eve [Objet Disque]
This French duo are now up to their third album, this one conceived as a kind of orchestral pop concept album thingy. It has a delightful punny name in French - and to some extent in English: Ferme tes jolis cieux = Close your pretty skies, where "eyes" would be "yeux". Made up of producer/composer/multi-instrumentalist Mocke and singer/multi-instrumentalist Claire Vailler, on this album their lovely indiefolk songs are augmented with sumptuous classical arrangements (the opening track is 10 minutes long). The album is gorgeous.

Mariam the Believer - Treasures [Moshi Moshi]
Mariam the Believer - Total [Moshi Moshi]
Catching up on the beautiful, and mostly very classic pop-sounding debut solo album from Mariam Wallentin under the name Mariam the Believer. Best known as the singer in Wildbirds & Peacedrums with her husband Andreas Werlin, Wallentin also appears memorably on the Fire! Orchestra albums with Werlin and other Norwegian free jazz luminaries, all of whom appear on this album, and was heard recently on the album of Ben Frost's Wasp Factory opera. Mostly the songs here are bright & accessible, impeccably arranged, and played by some of the top Norwegian experimental & jazz musicians and some guests including our own Oren Ambarchi.

Nadah El Shazly - Barzakh (Limen) [Nawa Recordings]
Nadah El Shazly - Palmyra [Nawa Recordings]
Extraordinary album from Cairo musician Nadah El Shazly, who's been making electronic music in her hometown for a while, after starting off as a punk musician. Here she's teamed up with some top Montréal musicians including Sam Shalabi and The Dwarfs of East Agouza's Maurice Louca. The result is stunning, mixing traditional Arabic music with psychedelic rock and experimental electronics, grounded in El Shazly's fantastic songs and singing.

Mirco Magnani + Ernesto Tomasini - Plaisir (Ken Karter remix) [Undogmatisch]
Here's something nicely strange - originally electronic/classical compositions by Mirco Magnani with operatic falsetto vocals from Ernesto Tomasini made up a concept opera adapting Georges Bataille’s “Madame Edwarda”. Here we have the first in a series of remixes/reinterpretations from that album, this one a lovely cavernous piece by Berlin techno producer Ken Karter.

African Ghost Valley - OTH (memotone Rework) [Tandem Tapes]
William "memotone" Yates is an old favourite of this show but has only had scattered releases of late. Nice to see him popping up on Tandem Tapes, one of our favourite cassette labels, for a split with ambient/techno producer African Ghost Valley - here more of a collaborative affair with the artists remixing each other and outright collaborating on the b-side. It's low-key, mysterious mood music with some squished beats.

тпсб - Matted Feathers [Blackest Ever Black]
тпсб - Pacifier Habits [Blackest Ever Black]
The mysterious тпсб is named in Cyrillic (call it TPSB, although on Facebook he also accepts "tnc6" lol), but may actually be German. He claims to have found the music he releases on a refurbished Russian hard drive... Haha, anyway, I think not, but this new album is his best work yet by a long shot, released by Blackest Ever Black. Lots of rave and idm nostalgia, rainy and dark...

Gantz - (jungle warz) send to ipman etch epoch facta [Found on SoundCloud in 2014]
Gantz - Fugazi (feat. Elif Dikeç) [Deep Medi]
Istanbul dubstep innovator Gantz has some excellent work on the first 12" for the year from Deep Medi, with some local collaborators and some from the UK. But here fellow Istanbul singer Elif Dikeç appears on a track that's a hybrid of hip-hop, dubstep and sci-fi... while before it we had a fun little jungle track he put together for the "jungle warz" that popped up on SoundCloud in 2014 as many artists from the dubstep scene & beyond challenged each other with insane junglist bass & beat-juggling... Ah, those were the days...

Truth - Messages [Deep Medi]
New Zealand dubstep mainstays Truth are still out there making excellent tracks, often for Deep Medi. Nice to hear the rolling jungle beats in this head-nodding track.

Show Me The Body - Spit (feat. Princess Nokia) [self-released]
Show Me The Body - In A Grave (feat. Denzel Curry, Moor Mother & Eartheater) [self-released]
Show Me The Body - Halogen (feat. Mal DeVisa) [self-released]
I loved the debut album from NYC's Show Me The Body in 2016, but that was pure hardcore punk, short, sharp & beautifully done. So it's a bit of a shock to hear their second release, a mixtape called Corpus I, which is another 2017 catch-up for me (I considered dropping something into a best of show but it was too late by the time I got hold of it). For my eclectic, genre-mashing taste it's fantastic - hardcore still making an appearance, but with a backbone of hip-hop and heaps of great guests, as we heard tonight, putting in political, personal, hard-hitting performances on their verses. I love this kind of thing, and I love the way these guys have gone about it and what they've built.

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Sunday, 7th of January, 2018

Playlist 07.01.18 (8:10 pm)

Here we are in 2018 and there's already some new music! But most of what I'm playing tonight is catch-up from 2017 to be honest.

LISTEN AGAIN because you need to keep up with all the good music! FBi does the stream on demand, and there's a podcast here.

Leah Kardos - Cat's Eye (Daisuke Tanabe remix) [bigo & twigetti]
As part of the promotion for Leah Kardos's wonderful Roccocochet album last year, the bigo & twigetti label commissioned a couple of remixes. This beautifully twinkly one by Daisuke Tanabe was streaming a few months ago, but the label kindly sent out downloads to supporters at the end of the year, so here it is for you.

Erin Nortje's solo project UNDER A is a pretty brutal affair - overdriven synths and heavy beats making a kind of bass-heavy industrial techno the likes of which we usually hear coming out of Berlin. But Nortje is based in Sydney, and he's launching this debut EP at the Red Rattler in Friday the 19th of January with a host of other artists including Kcin - get your tickets here.

ARIADNE - on your knees [ARIADNE Bandcamp]
ARIADNE - The Shadow [ARIADNE Bandcamp]
ARIADNE - pierce me through [ARIADNE Bandcamp]
ARIADNE - nailed to my body [ARIADNE Bandcamp]
ARIADNE - grief divine [ARIADNE Bandcamp]
Brooklyn duo ARIADNE are a genre-melting artist extraordinaire, combining the sweet and powerful classical vocals of Christine Papania with the industrial, glitchy electronics of Benjamin Forest. They draw from liturgical, ancient spiritual texts and classical & baroque choral & vocal musics, but set them in gothic, industrial, glitchy electronic frameworks. As well as the audio component of their work (available in digital and also in limited cassette releases and even a microSD card), there's a multi-media aspect, in their intense live performances and also in interactive format online. Between the new tracks from their Stabat Mater album we heard one from 2015's Tsalal, which mixes in some hellish growling vocals alongside the operatic ones.

Fis & Rob Thorne – Ko au te hou [Saplings Bandcamp]
Stunning music continuing the partnership of New Zealanders Fis (now based in Berlin) and Rob Thorne. Fis imbues this music with all the bass weight and dynamics of his drum'n'bass heritage, while Thorne brings a number of Maori wind and percussion instruments, which themselves are overdriven and processed into new forms. Also notable is the Saplings label which this release inaugurates, which rather than release physical artefacts is using the profits to plant lots of trees.

World's End Girlfriend - Angel Ache (Serph Remix) [Virgin Babylon Records]
World's End Girlfriend - Radioactive Spell Wave (KASHIWA Daisuke Remix) [Virgin Babylon Records]
A year and a bit after his last album, we have LAST WALTZ REMIX from World's End Girlfriend, released on his own Virgin Babylon Records, featuring many of the excellent Japanese artists he releases these days, including Vampillia. The two artists featured tonight are both heirs to World's End Girlfriend's throne in a way - Serph has perfected the glitchy, breakneck beats with jaunty classical-tinged backings, although his remix here is darker than his usual work; and although KASHIWA Daisuke first appeared maybe 5 years after WEG, if anything he does the glitchy processing, edits, crazy drum programming, postrock antics and impeccable classical arrangements even better than the man himself.

Erik Friedlander - Trees [Erik Friedlander Bandcamp]
I first came across Erik Friedlander in the early 1990s when I discovered the avant-garde music of John Zorn and his Tzadik label. Friedlander is an accomplished jazz cellist and improviser, but works comfortably in many genres. Here he's looping his cello in beautiful open textures like an electronically-mediated, classical version of Americana, produced by Boxharp's Scott Solter.

Marion Cousin & Gaspar Claus - Sa Nuvia D'Algendar [Les Disques du Festival Permanent]
Gaspar Claus & Casper Clausen - Threesomeness [Les Disques du Festival Permanent]
Orchard - Drawn with the Wind Parts 03 & 04 [Ici D'Ailleurs]
I discovered the brilliant French(-ish) cellist Gaspar Claus through his work with the collaborative supergroup Orchard, put together by Stéphane Grégoire of the Ici D'Ailleurs label. Featuring Claus on cello, the amazing Aidan Baker on guitar, Bästard/Zëro's Franck Laurino on drums and Maxime Tisserand on clarinet it's a pretty unusual line-up (the sort of thing Grégoire loves to do) but the results are pretty special - often a cinematic kind of krautrock or postrock, sometimes with the tougher edge of Laurino's post-punk and Baker's doom metal backgrounds, but with plenty of edginess also from both the cello and clarinet taking turns as lead instruments.
Claus's playing here is full of gritty extended techniques, and we get to hear that even more on his collaborations on his own label Les Disques du Festival Permanent. He & singer Marion Cousin explore workers' songs of Menorca and Majorca on a beautiful album of just cello & vocals, but Claus takes a much more electronic approach on the other duo. Here he's working with the hilariously twin-named Casper Clausen (no relation) of Efterklang. Clearly having nearly the same name they had to get together, and they created something equal parts organic & electronic, with both cello and vocals being layered and processed through delays & effects. There are some songs with beats and some more formless but no less lovely works.

Aidan Baker - Aberration Two [Somewherecold Records]
Aidan Baker, Simon Goff & Thor Harris - Red Robin [Gizeh Records]
So we segue from Gaspar Claus to another member of Orchard, the one and only Aidan Baker. In 2017 his doom duo Nadja did release a lovely album of stripped-back versions of their heavy music, but Aidan is nothing if not prolific (and a prolific collaborator too), and rather late in the year he released one of his lovely ambient, glitchy solo albums on Somewherecold Records. As well as Orchard, another rather stunning collaorative effort came out from Canadian label Gizeh Records, this time working with English violinist/composer/producer Simon Goff and percussionist/drummer extraordinaire Thor Harris (check out his Twitter for top-notch political matter). This one has pretty krautrocky postrock vibes, epic violin and rhythmic guitar & drums. Super cool.

Simon Goff - Orange [Hiddenseer]
And finally we hear from Simon Goff himself solo, on his own Hiddenseer label, with a gorgeous piece of electronica meets ambient classical, with layers of violin, chopped samples (vocals and amusing snippets of applause) creating something pretty rapturous. I seem to have missed this when it came out in 2016, so I'm glad it's finally appeared in a playlist!

Listen again — ~203MB

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